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Support System



BRCAn't Stop me is a support system for individuals who face this increased risk of cancer due to a genetic mutation. We also provide support to those who have or had a loved one with herditary cancer or have a family history of hereditary cancers.

Genetic Counselor Seminar


BRCAn't Stop Me works with our local health community to inform students on campus and our nearby community about the BRCA gene muation and other types of hereditary cancers.


Zumba for a Cure



An annual fundraiser for hereditary cancer research.


All of the funds will be donated to Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered for hereditary cancer research. 


Turning the Women's Center Teal



BRCAn't Stop Me partners with the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance every September to Turn the Women's Center Teal in an effort to raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer.



Pink Pumpkin Sale



Every October BRCAn't Stop Me puts on a Pink Pumpkins Sale to raise awarness of Breast Cancer.

Swing in Pink and Move to the Beat


Each October, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, BRCAn't Stop Me puts on a swing dance and exercise movement event to raise awareness of breast cancer.

BRCAn't Stop Me Awareness Efforts


BRCAn't Stop Me works with other cancer fighting organizations on campus to raise awareness of hereditary cancers.

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